
04 March 2010

Back on the Net

Sorry about that. Fell off the writing wagon for a few days. Apparently, the intellectual obstacle course that I'd been on for about 14 days had taken more of a toll that I'd thought. When I finally got home to Iowa, after two-extra-days-and-a-wake-up getting connections out of Pennsylvania, I proceeded to celebrate a late President's Day holiday by sleeping about 14 hours straight.

That's not normal. Gotta recharge the old batteries.

I haven't had a good and true weekend for about a month. I haven't even gotten around to a handful of posts started following last drill weekend, and it's already time for another one. The type of orders I'm on now--Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS, pronounced "ay-doss")--requires that I work Monday through Friday, plus the regular monthly drill weekends, plus any other time necessary to complete the mission. In short, Uncle Sam owns me and my little brain 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Household-6 tells me the cabinets that I've been trying to get right for about a year have been delivered to the local Home Depot. I need to find time to get that done, along with countless other little things.

I've got a lot to tell you about. Things like practicing how to rollover in a Humvee, and the nifty Army computer stuff I learned in Pennsylvania, and how it's a toss-up what presents a threat to my unit's Operational Security (OPSEC)--Facebook or daycare. I also want to continue my musings on the Red Bull Film Festival project, and to tell you about finishing the book "Three Cups of Tea." I'm play-testing some new "camping" equipment, too.

All in good time, of course.

1 comment:

  1. You need to drop out of the Army so you can have more time to blog and FB. Fucking Army screws up everything all in the name of keeping us safe. Bastards! But thanks anyway, Dude.


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