Here's a quick Public Service Announcement on behalf of the embattled Fourth Estate: Buy their newspapers. Send editors and producers thank-you letters. You can even "like" them on Facebook. Let them all know you're reading and watching, and that you appreciate and support their coverage. Freedom isn't free, and neither is journalism.
In addition to explaining the missions and experiences of U.S. citizen-soldiers, the media has illuminated three significant ongoing stories this spring:
- The "largest air-assault operation in the history of the Iowa Army National Guard," begun Mar. 25 in Laghman Province.
- The Feb. 21 injury of three soldiers of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment (1-133rd Inf.), headquartered in Waterloo, Iowa. (Another soldier of the same battalion, was also injured Jan. 11 after stepping on a land mine.)
- In more-upbeat news, the continued rotation of soldiers home on 15 days of mid-tour military leave.
- Mar. 26: Hundreds of Guard troops lead airborne assault on Taliban area (Des Moines Register)
- Mar. 27: Air assault targets insurgents (Omaha World-Herald)
- Mar. 31: Afghan leaders seek villagers’ support after Guard chases Taliban from valleys (Des Moines Register)
- Feb. 23: Injured Iowa Guardsman in ‘rough shape,’ brother says (Des Moines Register)
- Feb. 28: Update: Injured Iowa soldier transferred to hospital in England, in critical but stable condition (Des Moines Register)
- Mar. 7: Update: Injured Iowa National Guardsman moved to military hospital in D.C. (Des Moines Register)
- Mar. 15: Injured area soldiers back in the United States (Quad-City Times)
Homecoming stories are typically warm and emotional, and this recent KCRG-TV9/Cedar Rapids Gazette story certainly is no different, save for one little detail: It may just be the best such story ever.
- Feb. 21: 15 Days: A Soldier's Journey Home (KCRG-TV9/Cedar Rapids Gazette)
Another excellent story that you overlooked was a story by KCRG's Mark Geary and the Gazette featuring communication from the battlefield which is a story about communications of soldiers with their loved ones who are serving in Afghanistan. This story also highlights a blog feed which is shared on the DMR National Guard website. The article can be found here:
I'm on hiatus for at least the next two weeks. I've directed my readers over to you, and have cross posted the info over at the LA Times inner blog. -K