It was not her first overseas or combat deployment: In 2005-2007, Lolkus deployed to Iraq as a logistics soldier with Minnesota's 1-34th BCT. In 2003-2004, she deployed along with other Red Bull soldiers to Kosovo. She has a brother currently deployed to Afghanistan.
Lolkus is likely the first woman wearing a Red Bull combat patch to be elected to the 34th Infantry Division Association board of trustees. She is also a long-time friend of the Red Bull Rising blog.
By Ashlee Lolkus
“So, I laid under the hot sun watching the thirsty Earth drink up my blood. When the evening came, they were picking up all the wounded and the dead, but they missed me and I was left behind. It wasn’t until about 11 o’clock that night when the jeep driver decided to make one last sweep to see if anyone was left behind and he found my body.”
“I don’t know how he loaded me on the jeep; I weighed 199 [pounds] at the time. He loaded me with one end across the windshield and the other part of the litter in the back and brought me to the aid station. They cut off my clothes and threw them on the floor and I told the nurse, I said, ‘Gee, that’s a good shirt! Don’t cut my shirt!’ She just put her hand on my face and pushed me down ...”
“She walked away and spoke to the doctor, looked at me and then back. Then she walked back to me and asked if I wanted to see a chaplain. I said, ‘No! I haven’t lived yet!’”
Even the wives of veterans shared stories of their husbands’ time serving with the Red Bulls. Mildred Fencl, of Morris, Ill., whose husband served in Company C, 1st Battalion, 168 Infantry Regiment (1-168th Inf.), and Darline Smith, of North Kansas City, Mo., whose husband served in Company A, 1-168th Inf., laughed about previous reunions and shared their husbands’ war stories just as if they were there.
“As a tribute to the World War II vets, we want to see the association go on,” Fencl said. She and many members of the association want to see the new generation of veterans take over where they leave off.
“We need the younger Red Bulls to carry on the tradition,” said Smith. “The World War II vets need to be remembered.”
Although around 50 people attended the reunion, only five of the guests were World War II soldiers.
Col. Benjamin Corell, commander of the 2-34th BCT, attended the reunion dine-out as the distinguished guest and speaker. He shared a story of his childhood when he went down to the legion hall, seeing the younger legion members honor the World War II Red Bull veterans when they came to the door.
“You’d hear them say, ‘He’s one of the guys that turned the tide against the axis powers of World War II,'” Corell explained. “That was my first experience seeing the Red Bull ... I’m very proud to be associated with that.”
Everyone that attended the reunion was no doubt proud to be associated with the Red Bulls. There were Red Bull hats, Red Bull polo shirts, Red Bull watches, Red Bull blazers ... It seemed everyone had a Red Bull displayed somewhere. However, one of the biggest fans of the Red Bulls was Pat Skelly, the association’s webmaster and historian.
Skelly, who never served under the Red Bull division directly, started getting involved when his father died. While going through his father’s old documents he discovered a chronology. Skelly’s father served as the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment (1-133rd Inf.) commander from 1944 to 1945, when the unit was activated and sent to Italy to fight in World War II. Skelly says his father never really talked much about the war except for the funny stories.
Upon discovering his father’s history with the Red Bulls, Skelly set out to capture all of the Red Bull history. In 2000, Skelly set up the first dedicated Red Bull website: On it, Skelly, who recently completed his master’s degree in military history at Norwich University in Vermont in 2007, posts current Red Bull activity as well as archives of history and updated association information.
“I intend to keep the archives up forever,” he said. The association budgets for maintaining the website and he wants to make sure it stays that way. “We’ve taken to the idea of getting current guard members with us because that is the future of the association.”
The association is happy to accept new members at any of its chapters located throughout Iowa, as well as a "Tri-State" chapter based in New York. There are efforts to establish a chapter in Minnesota as well. The cost is $10 per year membership due, which helps to maintain the website and other association programs.
Individuals interested in membership can find an application in the most recent issue of the group's newsletter. Or inquire with staff at the Gold Star Museum, located on Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa.
PHOTO No. 1, above
JOHNSTON, Iowa – Retired Army Col. Russell Bierl, association secretary, shakes the hand of World War II veteran, Joe Boitnott, with Col. Ron Albrecht, association president, at the Stoney Creek Lodge in Johnston, Iowa, during the 34th Infantry Division Association’s 64th Annual Reunion Sept. 10. Boitnott, who once served with the 168th Infantry Regiment as an infantry machine gunner, is one of five WWII veterans that were able to attend the event this year. (Photo by Ashlee Lolkus.)
PHOTO No. 2, above
JOHNSTON, Iowa – Charles Wise, with 133rd Infantry Regiment and recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart, Gerald Robertson, with the Special Troops of the 34th Infantry Division, Jerry Barnett, with 168th Infantry Regiment and Stanley Vomacka, with the 135th Infantry Regiment and recipient of the Purple Heart, all World War II veterans who served in the 34th Infantry Division, stand to be recognized during a dine-out at the Stoney Creek Lodge in Johnston, Iowa, during the 34th Infantry Division Association’s 64th Annual Reunion Sept. 10. The group was four of the five WWII veterans that were able to attend the event. (Photo by Ashlee Lolkus.)
PHOTO No. 3, aboveJOHNSON, Iowa -- Mildred Fencl, association’s sergeant at arms, and Darline Smith, a first-year board rustee, await the beginning of the 34th Infantry Division Association’s 64th Annual Reunion dine-out at the Stoney Creek Lodge in Johnston, Iowa, Sept. 10. Their husbands served in World War II in the 168 Infantry Regiment and became friends while in the association. Now they continue to attend the annual reunions even though their husbands have passed. (Photo by Ashlee Lolkus.)
PHOTO No. 4, above
JOHNSON, Iowa – Pat Skelly, association webmaster and historian stands with Col. Benjamin Corell, 2-34th Infantry Brigade Combat Team commander, and Col. Ron Albrecht, association president, after being awarded the Commander’s Award for Public Service signed by the Iowa National Guard Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Timothy Orr, at the 34th Infantry Division Association’s 64th Annual Reunion dine-out at the Stoney Creek Lodge in Johnston, Iowa, Sept. 10. Skelly has spent a tremendous amount of time documenting and archiving 34th Infantry Division history as well as being the webmaster for the association website: (Photo by Ashlee Lolkus.)
PHOTO No. 5, above
JOHNSON, Iowa – Herman Poggensee, Des Moines Chapter president, displays a commemorative Red Bull water jug raffled at the 34th Infantry Division Association’s 64th Annual Reunion dine-out at the Stoney Creek Lodge in Johnston, Iowa, Sept. 10. The Red Bull patch was originally drawn-up with a bull skull placed inside a flattened Mexican water jug. The association raffled off the decorative item, as well as books, movies, and other prizes. (Photo by Ashlee Lolkus.)
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