During judging, names were removed from entries. The judges looked first for strict adherence to the 17-syllable format (lines of 5-, 7-, and 5-syllables) specified in the contest rules, then moved on to consider questions of how the poems evoked nature and deployed military life. The best created a surprise of recognition.
First place goes to Mariecor Ruediger, who will receive a $200 boxed set of "China Beach," soon to be released for the first time on DVD. (Due to music rights issues, it was never released on VHS.) Here is the winning entry:
One bare Huế treeThe judges said: "We liked how the reader is left to determine whether the tree shades the guard tower, provides cover for it, or potentially blocks its view. We also liked how the poem suggested Vietnam."
Shields a tower position;
Home is far away.
Second place goes to John Mittle, who will receive an autographed and personalized edition of David Abrams' 2012 novel "Fobbit." Mittle is a contributor to The Duffel Blog.
From dusk until dawnThe judges said: "The 'on the way' cracked us up! So did the sudden idea of the Bronze Star as either wishing star or morning star."
fighting from my cozy desk,
Bronze Star on the way.
Third place goes to Joseph Davidovski, who will receive a "Blue Falcon" coffee mug designed by Doctrine Man!!
Sandstorm blocks out sunThe judges said: "Anyone who has weathered the 'red air' of a no-fly situation will recognize how nature can stop everything but PowerPoint and a staff meeting."
Birds, vics, talibs stay quiet
Still the slides march on
One entry, from tgdrakes, practically created its own category, generated by the power of its laugh-out-loud gravitas. It will be appropriately (?!) recognized with a separate Doctrine Man!! Blue Falcon coffee mug.
Sh-- in the shower?The judges said: "Profound. Profane. And, in many ways, a nearly perfect description of the challenges of FOB life."
Why in the f--- would someone
Sh-- in the shower?
Honorable mentions included the following, presented here in random order:
By Mariecor Ruediger:
Bleak like grim winter,The judges said: "This one sneaks up on you, like old age and bad knees."
Combat makes me spring then fall:
This ain't no picnic.
By NavyOne:
Sprint in a flightsuitThe judges said: "This is an effective reminder of why 'going commando' is never a good idea, even when wearing Nomex. It also makes us want to sing the theme to 'Born Free'!"
Long tarmac, rip my crotch
Warm Iraqi breezes
By Travis Martin, founding editor of The Journal of Military Experience:
OD green stretchesThe judges said: "Anyone who has spent a hot, sweaty night on a transient-tent Army cot will recognize the salty-shadowy outlines evoked by this writer."
White salt stains: Chalk-lined soldiers
Echo restless sleep.
By Nate Didier:
COP Kalagush nightThe judges said: "Rhymes and references to Red Bull territory downrange in 2010-2011 Afghanistan! In this case, 'Commando' is a 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment call sign. 'Attack! Attack! Attack!'"
Raining rockets again right?
Commando will fight!
By mil-blogger America's SgtMaj:
Silly pogue don't knowThe judges said: "Eskimos allegedly have 17 different words for snow. We imagine there are also 17 different ways to pronounce the 'sir' in this poem, each with its own unique flavor. And sprinkles of sarcasm."
Gunslingers don't drink lattes
Macchiato sir?
By Tim Kindred:
My mind thinks of homeThe judges said: "Bonus points for using juxtaposing an acronym and a much-beloved Midwestern brand!"
I'd love a beer and Maid-Rite
Not an MRE
By Scott McDaniel:
Where is the Kandak?The judges said: "We think this lonely letter from an Embedded Training Team member is potentially the first time that 'Man-love Thursday' has been recorded in Western war-poetry!"
Alone at the command post.
Oh, it's Thursday night!
By Jim Keirsey:
Eight deployments downThe judges said: "This is the most adept use of acronyms we've seen! And it alludes to the carnival vibe some got from seeing a T.G.I. Fridays restaurant on a downrange boardwalk."
most surreal thing I've seen is
By Raj Bose:
POWsThe judges said: "This, like the Mona Lisa, was nicely ... enigmatic. And universal."
Nodding a smile to the guards
Through the barbed wire fence
By "Dark Laughter" at The Duffel Blog:
This summer sandstormThe judges said: "This is beautiful! It places the reader in both time and place, and also feels a bit like a Burma-Shave ditty."
Couldn’t blind the first sergeant
To my day-old shave.
By Krystal Miga:
Oh it’s you againThe judges said: "This writer found a memorable new way to evoke the ideas of 'Groundhog Day' and the 'downrange spouse.' If you have to ask what that means, don't ask."
Working, living, together
It’s like we’re married
Finally, a bonus quasi-entry from cp3002, commenting at Tom Ricks' "The Best Defense" blog:
An empty Rip-It,The judges said: "Marines love the sound of the sea!"
held to your ear in Helmand
sounds like the ocean.
Note: This content regarding military writing is underwritten by Victor Ian LLC, a military media and gaming business. The business publishes Lanterloon, an eclectic lifestyle, technology, and military blog; has a physical retail storefront called "Dragons and Dragoons" located in Colorado Springs, Colo.; and hosts military-writing workshops and other events under the "Sangria Summit" brand name.
Some very worthy entries there Charlie!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners