I'm either on my way or already present for duty at an Army school designed to sharpen my mad information-collection and -dissemination skilz. The two-week class is taking place at Fort Indiantown Gap, aka "The Gap" aka "Fig," at least to some people. I've never been there, but it's apparently up the road a piece from Harrisburg, Penn. I hear there's snow. And I understand that the National Guard post might have it's own unique character ...
"You goin' to FIG?!" one of my officers asked me last week. "I got a speeding ticket on that post once. I was driving a 1-1-3! In the training area! Crazy."
I have no idea what I'm in for, training-wise. Tactical Operations Centers (TOC, and pronounced "talk) have always been the nerve-centers for Army units, but I'm just an old radio guy. Today's TOC are probably more like "Guitar Hero" than "Classic Rock."
Ah, well, after I'm sufficiently trained, I guess I'll finally be able to ... wait for it ... "talk the TOC"?
Thank you! Thank you! I'm here all week! (And next.)
Found you via Coffeypot :)